3 Ways to Calm Pre-Debate Jitters
VP Harris debates former President Trump tonight! Here are three ways to counter our jitters and stay focused on how we can win.
Dear MVP friends,
55 days until Election Day, early voting is underway or starting soon in key states, and VP Harris debates former President Trump tonight!
I’m guessing I’m not the only one feeling some nerves?
Here are three ways to counter our jitters and stay focused on how we can win:
Step 1: Get inspired.
If you haven’t yet, RSVP for our briefing tomorrow (Wednesday) to hear how swing-state organizers are turning out overlooked Democratic voters. (Check out our lineup!)
Step 2: Get grounded.
Remember this, and share it with anyone fretting about things outside our control:
Regardless of the debate, regardless of the polls, regardless of the scoreboard, this election will be won or lost by a handful of votes in a few states.
The #1 best way we can tip those scales is to fund the ground game. Local organizers are the best voter mobilizers. (And MVP is one easy way to channel your donations to the best groups in all the key battlegrounds.)
MVP’s local partner groups in battleground states and districts are targeting the exact voters we need to win — youth, voters of color, LGBTQ+ voters, immigrant voters, and others — now they just need the funds to scale up.
Step 3: Get informed.
Read these inspiring highlights from our partners on the ground. These are the organizers whose work will literally make up the margin of victory.
For a deeper dive, read our new memo, Bat Signal 4, which sums up the electoral stakes, the scenarios, and exactly what we need to do now to win.
Reply to this email to let us know what you’re thinking about these elections, and if you have any questions about the best ways to contribute your time, talent, and energy. Our team actually reads and strives to write back to all the responses we get.
Zo Tobi, MVP Director of Communications
(On behalf of the MVP team)
P.s. – A lot of folks have asked, “are donations this close to Election Day still helpful?” The short answer: Unequivocally yes! Here’s a short rundown of why these funds are essential.